Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Toyota Hilux (with intercooler) vs Saga BLM Manual

I'm shocked.. this 4wd is fast than Mitsubishi Triton that  i post before. It lose to saga blm in hi speed acceleration but its powerful in top speed. It can reach over 180kmh. Quite fast ... Hard for me to bypass this car on long straigh hiway, only win on hi speed cornering and acceleration. 

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Wira 1.6 Manual vs Saga Blm 1.3 Manual

Tried on short acceleration. 0-100 very hard to catch this machine. Very powerful pickup. Can only tailgate it until 3rd gear and 4th to 5th he just say bye bye to me..hehehe...waiting for s4ph manual in saga blm.

Proton Perdana V6 vs Saga Blm 1.3 Manual

Tried on hi speed chasing on highway. Saga Blm manual can tailgate perdana v6 on its top speed. Its hard to passby but 1.3 car can tailgate this 2000cc 6 piston monster i think already recpectful. My speedo show near to 190kmh when side by side with this vehicle (trying to overtake it and did !!)

Honda City 1.5 VTEC vs Saga Blm 1.3 Manual

Never tried on 0-100 acceleration. But saga blm lose to this machine on hi speed acceleration. Maybe the driver use the OverDrive button and hit redline on 3rd gear. But on top speed, this machine lose to saga blm.

Mitsubishi Triton vs Saga Blm Manual

Ive respect this model of 4wd. Its quite fast on acceleration and top speed. I need to push hard my pedal until maximum speed to pass by this monster. I think its top speed about 175 - 180 kmh.

Nissan Sentra N16 1.6 auto vs Saga Blm 1.3 Manual

Saga blm able to beat N16 auto on acceleration and top speed. One N16 auto try to catch me on hiway hi speed chasing. Ive floor my pedal until speedo got over 170km/h and the N16 cant get nearer to me and going far  and far away after my speedo reach 180km/h

Toyota Wish 1.8 vs Saga BLM 1.3 manual

Saga blm really can beat Toyota Wish on highway. Ive already test it. Wish lose on hi speed acceleration and top speed. Toyota Wish 1.8 only able to hit about 175km/h base on my speedo reading.